My tennistory mainly begins when I was 13 or 14 years old. As a very small child I was a huge St. Louis Cardinals fan. I lived in Columbia, MO and was able to listen to the radio broadcasts at my house in the evenings. There was no MLB Extra Innings package on the satellite dish back then, so I really only got to watch a few games on TV per season. Being the huge baseball fan that I was, naturally, my career aspiration was to be a major league baseball player. I played a lot of baseball with the kids in the neighborhood and played my first season of organized baseball as a 12 year old in Columbia, MO. We moved to Lilburn, GA in 1989 when my dad changed jobs. It was shortly after this that I realized that my future was not in baseball. The other boys in the league aided me in arriving at this conclusion. I played Pony League ball as a 13 and 14 year old, but it was becoming as obvious as a swing and a miss that I was not going to be able to make the high school baseball team. I did want to play a high school sport, however. Knowing that my dad used to play tennis, I asked him to teach me.